Home Uncategorized Do you want to allow people to book days?

Do you want to allow people to book days?

27 10 月, 2012
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There are ways to adjust our system so that it allows daily bookings. You can see how it is done here below.

1. Go to Settings – Company opening hours and set only 1 hour open per day (preferably the hour that rental period starts on, for example between 12 and 1 o’clock)

Set the calendar so only 1 hour is bookable each day of the week.


2. Create services, 1 day booking, 2 day booking, 3 day booking etc

Set service duration as 1 hour for 1 day and 2 hours for 2 days, 3 hours for 3 days etc and set duration as hidden for each service which represents a number of days to book.


3. Go to Settings – Configuration, and set “Allow service to extend over closing hours:” as checked.



4. Go to Settings – Translation module and change name from Service provider/service etc to something else to fit your purpose.

You clients can now select how long they want to rent (select a service), click on a day (and time), and the selected period will be booked.

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