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Our Video solution became a Plugin

17 6 月, 2012
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A full blown video appointment solution became a plugin in the SimplyBook.me booking system

PLEASE SEE OUR MORE RECENT POST about how to make VIDEO APPOINTMENTS:  http://blog.simplybook.me/?p=611


Some 6 months ago, we decided to use our scheduling solution knowledge for something absolutely new. We wanted to allow people “in demand”, celebrities, advisors, YouTube celebs, doctors and pretty much anybody who others might like to meet to do so using a scheduling system. This would allow them to meet with people live through a video chat when they were available and at times somebody requested it and was willing to pay for it. We thought, this was a certain a win-win situation, and our solution was named SimplyMeet.me and was destined to become extremely popular, or that is at least what we thought.

Yes …. the name was perfect 🙂  Happy with the result we contacted news reporters, everywhere we could, telling them about our new awesome hit but the the reporters were more interested in telling about if someone received a funding, or if some celeb or a VC was investing in some solution that even had not launched yet. They had no interest in telling about our new solution to our big disappointment. Without getting in to the news we had no chance launching this successfully, because if no one knows about it, then no one will use it ….

Fortunately for us, we had built this on our SimplyBook.me, system, so what we did was simply to change directions and add  our SimplyMeet me video solution and create a video meeting plugin that allows the users of SimplyBook.me not only to accept normal appointments at the office but  also to offer their clients to book live video meetings.  All SimplyBook.me users need to do, is to visit the plugin section and activate it.

So if you know someone who needs a great domain name for dating …. SimplyMeet.me might be for sale 🙂


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