Google sync problem
11 12 月, 2013
UPDATE 2: You need to disconnect users and reconnect them again, a new token needs to be created for each user.
UPDATE 1: Please disconnect the Google calendar plugin and then reconnect and the Google calendar should begin to sync again !
It seems that Google is doing an update on their API protocol and therefor our users are experiencing trouble with the sync between Google calendar and the calendar. We are on this matter and hope things will be running smoothly tomorrow, 12.12.2013 (2013/12/12).
7 commentsSara & Adam
Any update on this? Our calendars are still not syncing.
regarding the google calender issue, can you tell me exactly, step by step what i need to do to correct this problem of the sync issue. Thank you Graeme
The only thing needed is to go into the plugin settings, and disconnect the service performers, and then reconnect them and choose the correct calendar (if more than one) to sync to.
sync not working ? have tried reconnecting etc -any ideas
There should be no problem with our google plugin now. Did you connect the right calendar? Did you press the SYNC checkbox to sync both ways?
I have the same problem…. ;( Is there any video tutorial demonstrating the different steps… I’m lost Thx for the follow up
This is quite simple steps in fact. 1. Go to plugin section, activate Google calendar sync plugin 2. Go to plugin settings from plugins section 3. Select relevant performer, and make connection to Google calendar, employee needs to login to connect. 4. Do same for all performers 5. Click SYNC box to have it sync both ways, back and forth.