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Teacher Parents Meetings and Conferences

5 12 月, 2016
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It is easy to solve the hard task of arranging parent teacher meetings

Every year schools organize meetings between parents and teachers but this is not an easy task. Parents can have students in different schools, and in different classes, they may not be available when the teacher proposes time to meet them and the meetings between parents and teachers therefore often become inconvenient and hard t arrange. An easy solution to this problem is to set up a Parents Teacher booking scheduling using software such as SimplyBook.me. As it is highly flexible it allows for different teachers availability, there can be different types of meeting durations where some teachers may offer short meetings while others may offer longer meetings and still others could even offer both to accommodate between the different needs of parents.  In many cases there may be children where there is not much to discuss between the parents and teachers while in other cases there may be children that need more discussion.

SimplyBook.me accomodates for all of this and much more. If you are going to set up such software for your school, don’t hesitate to watch the video to show how flexible the software can be.

Hundreds of schools have signed up for the SimplyBook.me to ease the scheduling between parents and teachers.

Remark that the SimplyBook.me software costs very little to use for schools for parents teacher meetings. The school only needs to buy 1-2 month professional subscription while the meetings take place and it covers up to 2.000 appointments per month which is more than enough for most schools. The professional version only costs only $59 per month. You can then leave the system un-paid until next year when you buy another month. All data will be kept safely until the meetings start again.

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