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Graphical stats on appoinments and booking revenue in dashboard

21 12 月, 2015
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Graph shows number of bookings and revenue from appointments
Graph shows number of bookings and revenue from appointments

Graph shows number of bookings and revenue from appointments

We have added a few very interesting graphs into the company dashboard of our users. In these graphs you can see various information about bookings, revenue, workload and client attendance.  Furthermore you can look at bookings and revenue per provider or per all providers. You can also pick out certain providers to see only their statistics.

The main graph shows bookings per day and you can make it show bookings per provider per day. You can also look at this per week or month, or see how the average number of bookings gets distributed per day of week. This can help you to organize better when providers are working or not. If you are using Prices plugin and are displaying prices for your appointments, you can also see bookings revenues per day, week or month and per employee. Furthermore the other graphs will show you the workload which is in fact of the available hours for appointments, how many hours actually get booked. You of course want to have this ratio as high as possible, although if it is too high, you may be missing our on revenue as some clients may not be able to find an available time they could use for their appointment.  The third graph shows you client attendance but this graph gives indication on how many clients are cancelling their appointments and of course you would like to have the numbers here as close to 100% as possible.

We are sure that our users will love this additional information which will without a doubt help them to run their business even better. These changes are our contribution to make SimplyBook.me the best online appointment booking system in the world.

To have access to all this information, you need to enable the insights plugin.

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