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WordPress Appointment Scheduling Plugin

15 1 月, 2016
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SimplyBook.me now offers a native free premium appointment booking plugin for WordPress.
SimplyBook.me now offers a native free premium appointment booking plugin for WordPress.

SimplyBook.me now offers a native free premium appointment booking plugin for WordPress.

SimplyBook.me has offered a free WordPress appointment booking plugin since 2011. This first plugin was iFrame based and created certain limitations for users that wanted to make further developments on the scripts and it could only be downloaded from the SimplyBook.me website.  We are now extremely pleased to announce that we have launched our first new native version of the appointment plugin. This plugin is using our API functionality and is native to WordPress. Since all the code behind it is open source, developers can change it at will and according to user’s needs.

This first beta version of the plugin contains all the functionality of our normal system besides payments and they will be added in the coming weeks. After we add a few payment methods to the plugin, it should be quite easy to add some more. So if you have a local payment processor it should be very easy to ask developers on sites such as freelancer.com or upwork.com to add your specific local processor.

The new SimplyBook.me appointment plugin for WordPress is ease to install. You install it like any other plugin, either directly from your WordPress theme where you choose to add plugins. You can also download it from WorPress and then put it into your WordPress plugin folder and activate it from your plugin section inside your WordPress admin interface. Before or after activating the plugin, you need to create an appointment booking system at SimplyBook.me and set it up according to your needs. You then need to activate the API plugin in the SimplyBook.me admin side to get the connection details to fill in the SimplyBook.me plugin inside the WordPress administration interface.

To make the connection between your WordPress site and SimplyBook.me you need to get API details at SimplyBook.me and insert into SimplyBook.me plugin at WordPress.

After creating the system at SimplyBook.me, get the API connection details inside SimplyBook.me API plugin.

To get the API code for the connection, you need to go to the Plugin section inside the SimplyBook.me system, activate the API plugin, and then choose the plugin Settings.

Get the connection data from the API plugin inside the SimplyBook.me software

Press the Settings buttons to get inside the API settings to get the relevant connection data.

Finally get the keys from the API that you can use to insert into the SimplyBook.me plugin settings inside the WordPress.

Copy and paste the API keys into the SimplyBook.me WordPress plugin

Copy and paste the API keys into the SimplyBook.me WordPress plugin

It is very simply to install our WordPress appointment plugin but if you run into any trouble during the process, please don’t hesitate to contact our live help that is available 17 hours all workdays and 3 hours daily on weekends.

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