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Faster Appointments in Europe

21 4 月, 2016
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Faster appointment bookings on European servers
Faster appointment bookings on European servers

After addition of European servers, users can now expect even faster bookings in Europe

SimplyBook.me has now added servers in France for users in Europe, and surrounding region. This will make the appointment scheduling software considerably faster for both the users and clients in Europe as the data does not have to flow back and forth to Canada. In addition for the system becoming faster, European privacy laws are now fulfilled having all the data of the users and clients reside in Europe. You may remember all the fuss between European officials and US officials about the Safe harbour act, a big threat to loads of small and medium SaaS companies servicing countries around the world but basing the servers in North America. This is no longer a problem for SimplyBook.me as European companies accepting bookings and appointments will be keeping all their data in Europe. All new created European systems automatically go to European servers. Older users can contact live help and request move of their systems and get information about what needs to be done.

To become faster, you need to change the referring domain name for both booking pages and widgets. This should only be done after your system has been moved to the EU servers and you have gotten a confirmation thereabout.


it becomes after the move to european servers


If you have a widget (button or iFrame) on your own site, and you are based in Europe, you need to change:

<script type=”text/javascript” src=”//image.simplybook.me/iframe/pm_loader_v2.php?width=960&url=//image.simplybook.me&theme=bootstrap__joy_orchid&layout=bootstrap__joy&timeline=classes&mode=auto&mobile_redirect=0″></script>


<script type=”text/javascript” src=”//image.simplybook.it/iframe/pm_loader_v2.php?width=960&url=//image.simplybook.it&theme=bootstrap__joy_orchid&layout=bootstrap__joy&timeline=classes&mode=auto&mobile_redirect=0″></script>

ONLY CHANGE THE  “.me”  to  “.it”  in the code – This is all that is needed.

There is no difference between the SimplyBook.me or SimplyBook.it pages, it is only a question of which servers the data is kept on. All SimplyBook.it systems are on European servers, and all SimplyBook.me pages are on North America servers.

We will also soon be adding servers in Asia as well, making the system even faster for the Asia region, Australia and New Zealand.

Sistema de reservas para habitaciones de escapada
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