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Video appointments using SimplyBook.me and Gruveo

8 8 月, 2015
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Now you can easily do video appointments using SimplyBook.me and Gruveo.com without giving any sensitive contact information

Republish of an old but interesting post. We recently quit support for the video plugin that we had been offering for a few years. However now our users can again use another very simple and brilliant method for fully anonymous phone or video appointments. This can often be necessary because once you have given the Skype id etc then you can be continued to be bothered by the same person without them having booked an appointment.

According to Gruveo.com, the appointments are encrypted over SSL. Wherever possible, they also use peer-to-peer technology where the data flows directly between the participants’ devices.


Please follow the instructions here below:

  1. Go to your admin interface
  2. Go to Settings // Email and SMS settings
  3. Find the emails called:
    – Event creation template for client
    – New event notification template for provider
    – Event reminder template for clients
    – Event reminder template for service providers
  4. Locate the text that says  “Appointment code: [code]” in all the email templates.
  5. Change the text”  Appointment code: [code]   “to”  Please press the following link at the time and date you booked to start the video appointment:   https://www.gruveo.com/#[code]   “
  6. Now when time for appointment comes, both you and client simply press the link to do the video appointment or telephone chat.

That’s all !!

Things to check when choosing an appointment system
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