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Using iCal when sending reminders

27 9 月, 2013
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In the email and SMS text reminder settings, there is an option to attach iCal to the reminders. This is not a new feature but is not activated by default. The reason for this is because in some instances, clients or service performers have the clock settings in their email software incorrectly set in which case the email software changes the time of the reminder according to the incorrect clock. This is of course rare as most have this clock setting correctly set but when it is incorrect, it looks like our software is sending out incorrect time which of course is not the case.

If you want to check the clock settings in your gmail, please press the following link:  https://www.google.com/settings/u/1/activity/signup


Google clock and appointments————————————————–

With the clock correctly set in the email software, the iCal’s can be incredibly effective and useful both for service providers and clients so if you want to try it go to Settings // Email and SMS settings, and mark the checkbox that iCals will be sent. If you clients tell you that they are receiving wrong times, ask them to check the clock in their email software.

The client can select to import the appointment directly into his/her calendar

The client can select to import the appointment directly into his/her calendar


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